If you are paying today with a credit card, please use this form. If you would like to pledge your gift today and pay later, please complete our pledge form by clicking HERE.
If you are paying today with a credit card, please use this form. If you would like to pledge your gift today and pay later, please complete our pledge form by clicking HERE.
Come shop for books!
Join us from Monday, Dec. 4 through Friday, Dec. 8 for this year's Scholastic Book Fair! Find us in the Metairie JCC Lobby each day from 8am-4pm.
Preview some of the books coming to our fair by clicking HERE.
Sign up for notifications about our school's Book Fair, and exclusive offers from Scholastic, by clicking HERE.
Bring on the Bookjoy—25% of every online purchase during the Fair directly benefits our school! Click HERE to shop!
Create Your Child's Ewallet
No more bills stuffed in backpacks! At the Scholastic Book Fair, kids shop without cash thanks to eWallet, a digital payment account for purchases at the Fair. Family and friends contribute funds. Then kids choose their own books. It’s convenient, simple, and secure. Click HERE to set-up your child's eWallet.
Add Funds to a Teacher's Classroom eWallet
Before the Book Fair, teachers are able to create an eWallet so families can contribute to help build classroom libraries. That way, there’s something new to read for every kid in class. Find teacher eWallet links below and add funds to help them stock their shelves.
Teacher eWallets
Laura Queyrouze|PreK
Judy Fried |Kindergarten
Paula Apffel | 1st/2nd Grade
Houston Smith | 3rd/4th Grade
Liz Amoss | 3rd/4th Grade
Eliza Kase | 5th/6th Grade
Nitzanim | Green Preschool
Perachim | Green Preschool
Rimonim | Green Preschool
Devorim | Green Preschool
Lauren Gisclair | Music
Goni Sondak | Art
Malia Batiste | Science