If you are paying today with a credit card, please use this form. If you would like to pledge your gift today and pay later, please complete our pledge form by clicking HERE.
If you are paying today with a credit card, please use this form. If you would like to pledge your gift today and pay later, please complete our pledge form by clicking HERE.
December 5-December 9
Fair Location
Goldring-Woldenberg Metairie JCC Lobby
Fair Days/Hours
Monday, Dec. 5th through Friday, Dec. 9th
7:45 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Virtual Shopping
Monday, Dec. 5th-Sunday, Dec.18th
Shop at our ONLINE STORE which is open an extra week!
Scholastic offers a cashless way for children to shop the fair. The eWallet is easy to set-up and funds are available immediately. Children may shop the fair in-person, or online, then use their eWallet to checkout. When you set-up an eWallet account you'll have an option to invite friends and family to fund books for your child.
JCDS Students|
Rimonim through 6th grade students will have book fair visits during the week to fill out wish lists. Children are able to purchase books at school with cash, credit card, or their Scholastic eWallet account.
Teacher Wish Lists|
The eWallet is also a great way to put funds in the teacher's eWallet to purchase books on their classroom wish lists (see links!).
Questions? Email Tiffany.