If you are paying today with a credit card, please use this form. If you would like to pledge your gift today and pay later, please complete our pledge form by clicking HERE.
If you are paying today with a credit card, please use this form. If you would like to pledge your gift today and pay later, please complete our pledge form by clicking HERE.
This year, Jewish Community Day School of Greater New Orleans celebrates its Silver Anniversary. In preparation for this 25-year milestone, we seek to honor the breadth and depth of our supporters with a permanent tribute display within the Goldring-Woldenberg Jewish Community Campus. This beautiful art installation will bear the names of those who have made Jewish education possible in our community. These are names of people who understand an exceptional Jewish day school education strengthens the Jewish identity and Jewish engagement of our children to support the continuity of the Jewish people.
Please join us to support this year’s annual campaign while taking the unique opportunity to connect your name with Jewish education in our community for generations to come. Let these names inspire our students to continue their Jewish journey for the rest of their lives.
The JCDS Silver Forever Wall will bear the names of our Silver Patrons and Green Patrons. Levels will be distinguished with plaques of varying sizes, depths, and materials. We are working with a local sign shop and a graphic designer who will create the final version of our permanent display (please see mock image).
The deadline to make your Silver Patron or Green Patron gift (or pledge) in order to be included on our Silver Forever Wall wasDecember 15, 2020. We hope to be able to host a reception for the reveal in late spring 2021. Please complete the gift form (link below) to support this year's Annual Campaign. Each patron level gift includes a silver plaque for your name(s) or the names of someone you would like to honor or remember. We hope you will take this unique opportunity to be a part of something very special.
With very special thanks to the following patrons for their significant support!
Todah Rabah!
To make your gift supporting the JCDS Silver Anniversary campaign, please select link below. Links are for both patron level gifts and general donations.
For questions or to complete your gift over the phone, contact Tiffany Cotlar: (504)887-4091 or